Emerging Package
Who is it for? Emerging Entrepreneurs - Artists, Trades, Professional Services
Your business can be online in 2 weeks from the day design work begins. This is for the entrepreneur who either does not have a website or has a website that is not working (not updated, draws no traffic).
Delivered in 14 days
Up to 5 pages (plus extras, see below)
$1500 Investment
What is included:
Up to 5 pages:
Home—The first page your visitors will see. What do you offer your potential customers?
Services—What are the services or products you offer? This page will showcase what you do.
About—Your about page is all about you. What is your passion, the story of you, and what led you to create your small business?
Contact—How do you want your customers to contact you?
+ 1 Page—Blog or Portfolio
Included in the emerging package:
1 contributor
1 contact form
Up to 2 hours image search
Links to your social media accounts
Unlimited support during build
1 hour of training post-launch
Additional essential pages included:
404 Error Page
Visitors to your site will see this page if they encounter a broken link or if a page has been removed. The 404 Error Page will redirect your visitor to other pages on your website.Legal Notices: Privacy Policy, Terms + Conditions
Please note that I will provide resources to you to find the legal notices that are appropriate for your business website. It is optional, but recommended, to post legal notices on your website for your protection. Selecting these legal notices for you is outside of the scope of my services. After you have found the documents that are right for your business and modified them with your business information, I will format and add these pages to your site.FAQ
The FAQ page offers answers to questions your site visitors might have. You will create your FAQ page; I can make minor edits if needed.
How it works:
What the client provides:
Text copy for each page
Photos for each page
Descriptions of services
Pricing for services
All images needed for 5 pages
Blog content for 2 to 3 posts at launch (if needed)
SEO short-tail and long-tail descriptors
Privacy Notice and Terms of Service documents (recommended)
Branding: logo and palette
What I provide:
Specific guidance in content creation
How to find your SEO descriptors
How to write content for your pages
A Dropbox folder for uploading images and text documents
Unlimited support during content creation phase
Training videos
Website fact sheet
Mobile optimization
Basic web branding: Fonts and Palette (if needed)
Optional: Copywriting and Editing
Using a copywriter is a best practice. While it might seem expensive, good copy can pay for itself many times over. Your website and your marketing copy are a reflection of your business. Well-written copy will benefit you by helping you to stand out against your competitors, establish credibility, and build your brand image. You will be positioned authentically which helps to reach your ideal potential customers and convert them.
Copywriting Pricing
$ 750—For 5 pages. Includes a client kick-off call and two rounds of revision. Additional rounds of revision are $75.
$250—Copyediting and proofing for up to 10 pages, if you already have existing site-ready copy.